30 Journal Prompts for Coffee Time - Coffee & Kin
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30 Journal Prompts for Coffee Time

Have you ever tried journaling? Journaling has a huge range of benefits for your mental wellbeing. I journal regularly and I find it particularly useful if I’m really busy and feeling overwhelmed!

Journaling is a good way to help you work towards your goals, express your thoughts and feelings and look after your emotional wellbeing.

It can help you feel less stressed, it can help you feel calm and it often puts a smile on your face too. I can highly recommend giving journaling a go if you’ve never tried it before.

Here are a list of my favourite journal prompts.

Grab a pen and paper, write a prompt at the top of your page and just let yourself write. It’s as easy as that.


Journal Prompts


  1. What are your three main goals for the month and how are you going to achieve them?
  2. Identify something that you’ve been putting off doing for ages. Write about why you haven’t done it yet and brainstorm ways to get it done!
  3. What 5 things are you grateful for today?
  4. What do you like best about your life right now?
  5. What is your favourite childhood memory that brings you joy?
  6. What truly excites you and how can you incorporate more of this into your life?
  7. What makes you feel motivated and energised? How can you incorporate more of these activities into your week?
  8. List all the places that you would love to visit and make a plan for traveling to one of these places in the next 12 months.
  9. How are you feeling today? What could you do to make yourself feel even better?
  10. If someone was to describe your best attributes, what would they say?
  11. What makes you happy?
  12. Write a list of three daily practices that you want to incorporate into your daily life and start today!
  13. How are you feeling today and what do you need?
  14. What 5 things are you grateful for?
  15. Write down every single good thing that has happened to you in the past couple of days.
  16. What areas of your life feel a bit challenging and how can you overcome these challenges?
  17. What are your top three priorities for today?
  18. What are you really good at?
  19. What would you like your life to look like in 5 years time? How can you make it happen?
  20. What would you like to change in your life? Brainstorm ways you can make this change.
  21. Make a list of 10 fun things you would like to do in the next few months.
  22. Write down your top three positive affirmations and say them out loud.
  23. Time for some mindfulness. Describe your surroundings in great detail. What can you see? What can you smell? What can you hear? How do you feel in this moment?
  24. Create a list of the songs that always lift your mood and then play your favourite song.
  25. What makes you smile right now and how can you bring more joy into everyday life?
  26. What are you looking forward to today? Write a list of at least five things.
  27. List three qualities or traits about yourself that you really appreciate.
  28. Describe a time that made you laugh recently.
  29. What is your current self-care routine? How can you bring more self-care into your life?
  30. Celebrate all your wins for the month. Write them down in a list and give yourself a high five in the mirror!

“To write in a journal is to open a world where your dreams and thoughts take centre stage.” – Flavia.

Enjoy your journaling and always remember – YOU ARE AWESOME!

Take care,


Founder, Coffee & Kin.

Ruth from Coffee.& Kin

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